The Memorial Wall is a collection of saved chat posts that have occurred when a long standing poster, or legendary player, has passed away.



Registered : 24/01/1998
Last Post : 24/01/2013


I'm hearing sad news about Trizia . . . . Please tell me it isn't true :-(

Whitchurch Kiwi
That is terrible news so sad RIP Trizia .

RIP to long missed posted Trizia :-(.

Seriously? Jeez I'd heard she was ill. That's terribly sad..

Suffolk Blue
Oh no I really enjoyed her posts and views! RIP to a honey :-(.

Blue Rocker
Really? What a loss. RIP.

Mr Parkers Dogbite ★
Thats crazy. RIP!!.

Piece here in the Examiner. RIP Trizia.. click here

Really? Christ that is sad really sorry to hear that..

WTF?? That's sad! Was missed on here for a long time as well. RIP!.

Personal Jeebus
Really awful. Sorry to hear that and for everyone who knew her thoughts are with you. .

Culto De El Guapo
Bloody hell shock.... RIP Trizia very sad to hear this news

stick ★
So sad but a nice piece. Proper fan and she'd have loved to see us this season.

Mr Parkers Dogbite ★
Very sad indeed..

25 Blue Caravans
Very sad news. RIP Trizia :-(

very sorry to hear that

Oh that's really sad. RIP Trizia..

Freo ★
*About Triz*. We're all devastated but the family asked us to refrain from.... broadcasting stuff all over social media so please try and respect that over the next few days. There's an nice tribute in the Irish Examiner today.

click here

Very sad news. .

Very sad. Condolences to all those close to her. .

Blimey! And only 50. RIP Trizia..

V R Lee
Thats terrible I knew her well.. Gutted.

Very sad.

Horrible news :-(.

Blue Rocker
Real shame. How awful. RIP. Thoughts with her. family and friends.

Romans Soldier
RIP Trizia :-(.

Somerset Blue
No!!!!! .

Steve S
RIP Trizia .

Papa Elf
Very sad news will be greatly missed always had time to reply to me on here.

That is tragic news. One of the chelsea Chat originals and a brilliant. Contributor. I am truly sad at this awful news

Sir Les Patterson
Very sad news proper Chelsea RIP .

That is so very sad and a real shock too.I wonder if we. can find a modest way to remember her appropriately as she contributed a lot to fellow supporters.

So sad RIP Triz ;-(.

Might get some true "over" taking.

God Is ODJ
NO but a result of trying to deal with Verhofstadt Tusk Barnier etc.

Blue Rocker
Terrible news. RIP.

God Is ODJ
Blimey I don't believe it RIP .

Middle of the Shed
Awful news she helped me out with tickets twice . and was always very kind and helpful. RIP

Blue In Bangkok
How awful condolences to her family and friends RIP Trizia..

Awful news. RIP Trizia and my condolences to her loved ones..

leftback in changing room
I am in total shock went all over Europe with Triz. and I am finding it hard to take. My best wishes to her family and friends. A great friend.

Very sad. Always enjoyed reading her posts on here back in the early 00s.... Thoughts with her family. RIP Trizia.

Dave Lino Mitchell
Terribly sad no age at all RIP Trizia. .

nipper ★
Devastating news. Deepest condolences to all her family and loved ones. RIP Forever Blue. .

How bloody awful. That is so bloody sad... a Chelsea great..

Otis B Driftwood
Devistating News. Rip Triz. .

★ Far Cry Toff
:-( Very sad. Used to see her all the time at aways. R.I.P..

Chelsea Paul ★
Shocked and saddened to hear this news....RIP Trizia.....A true blue!.

West London is Wonderful
Very sad news. Thoughts with her family and friends. Only 50 ... makes think. :-(


Fulham Broadway
stunned shocked and numb... in losing Trizia.... I can't say I knew her well exchanged many an online conversation over many years. A diamond ruby emerald though sapphire is more the truth. She contributed so much to CSG and obviously her contributions in the Examiner.

A true blue as much and more that most of us I always looked forward to her articles I was extremely lucky to have had many discussions and conversations with her over the years but express many other knew her far better.

With no drama or agenda I am just one of the many in the background who just knew a fraction of her and stand in a very very long line of admiration of her input her dedication to Chelsea with hard work pushing the club forward.

Trizia.... thank you for what you did..... feeling numb like losing a friend

Voltaire returns
RIP Trizia. So sorry to find this out a few minutes ago. Felt I had to come back on here to pay my respects really enjoyed our discussions on here 20+ years ago.

A sad loss and gone too soon

I knew her but hadn't spoken to her for a few years I'm in total shock do we know. what she died from?

Middle of the Shed
I second that..... You've expressed my thoughts entirely. Thinking of you Triz hope you RIP thoughts with your family loved ones and all that knew you. You'll always be a diamond. X

Totally agree. We've spoken before about having an In Memoriam section. to remember sadly departed current and former chatters. It'd be great for Jax to do something like that.

Mr Parkers Dogbite ★
such sad news RIP Trizia x.

Thats so sad. A name I remember well from the early days on here and someone I used to see. back when I traveled more frequently with Chelsea.
So very sad x

Bexley Blues
Croftwood ..... not really Ballyer at all is it ?.

Sad sad news. RIP Trizia..... ...on of the original mainstays on this forum from the early days.

Blue on Wheels ★
Another good read cheers mate..

The Drogs Ballacks 1994
Lovely tribute to Trizia from Focus on the CSG site.

Mr Parkers Dogbite ★
Gutted to hear this :-(( RIP Trizia.

Beautiful photograph too... has been sorely missed on here... a great poster. and someone with passion brains wit courage... Extraordnarily sad day

Otis B Driftwood
That's a nice post from FB. I never knew her. but always felt that I did she's certainly someone who I wished that I had known.

Carefree Blue
Rip Trizia.

Very sad news. Thoughts with her nearest and dearest.

Yeah very sad. Rest In Peace Trizia xx

RIP Trizia.

Ted Rogers
Very very sad news RIP .

Very sad RIP lovely pic of her. Short illness could be anything though?

Blue aye ★
RIP. One of the nicer people taken far too early..

Big Willow
I'd call her queen of Chelsea proper loyal and royal.

Blue aye ★
Devasted mate as we all are :-( .

Club has already responded with great warmth and sympathy.... I've no doubt they'll be open to ideas to mark Trizia's contribution.

Am pretty shocked I have to say. There is a great picture of her in tears. after we beat Arsenal in the CL in 2004. I thought it pretty much summed up how we all felt after winning. Her articles were spot on most of the time and it is also important to note that she was involved with Chelsea from our darkest days. Am very sad and really this will take time to sink in.

Excellent mate she was a very nice lady a real shame so young too!.

Blue Rocker
Not been on here in years. Genuinely in shock at the news. Another Chelsea mate died Saturday morning Andy Carr.

Just wasnt expecting Trizia though. So sad such a big loss.

God bless you Triz x


Trizia RIP. If anyone knows of the Funeral arrangements then please post. Can't quite believe it spoke to her 2 weeks. God Bless to my fellow London Italian.

joe the ghost of roker
That's so sad. R.I.P..

Surrey Lane
very sad RIP.

Terribly sad Rip..


Very sad Rip..

Lovely thoughts felt by many. Rip..


Passed away Tuesday night after a short illness .

Middle of the Shed
RIP Trizia. I only knew her on here as TRIZIA...she stood out with her. handle and her insights

Very sad to hear that... . Trizia got me & my girlfriend tickets a few years back. She and her friends were so much fun... I'll never forget that day.


Hellsinki blue
Another goodun gone RIP Trizia:-(.

My abiding memory of Trizia was the open top bus she arranged for the . FA cup final in 2000 was a great day out (apart from the match itself) and a really good laugh.

RIP Triz thoughts are with Gatey and her friends & family.

Terrible news. Rip..

RIP Trizia ;(.

Mickey greenways army
Trizia. Top Girl done a few games with her and Paul. Always up for a chat. Went to the Supporters Club Dinner with her a few seasons back Tapas was there and a few others. God Bless her.

Riposare in Pace

joe the ghost of roker
RIP :(.

Awful shocking new. A true Chelsea Legend and a lovely lady. . RIP Trizia.

Sad day - I was in a bar with about 10 other Chelsea about 15 years ago. I think thats four of them gone now. 50 is no age. Rotten news.

John Phillips
Yep - then stopped down the road and got some more! .

Let's face it there a few queens at Chelsea most are of the male variety lol.

Blue aye ★
Didn't know her but 50 is too young to die. R. I. P.

Ossie Ossie Ossie
She made me laugh once. It was the 2002 Cup Final v Arsenal in Cardiff. I was in a bar with Perillo Europhile Trizia and some others. As we came out there were some Arsenal supporters getting off a coach. One really drunk Arsenal girl had wet herself and there was a great big dark patch on front of her jeans. Trizia nodded in the direction of her and said "classy bird".

John Phillips
Apparently not been to a game all season so perhaps the illness was not so short RIP.

Blue aye ★
She was at Norwich that was her last game. We stayed in the hotel and had. a lovely evening before the game.

I could remember having that discussion with Liz a couple of weeks back.. Sad times mate :-(

RIP Trizia..

Duncan Disorderly
R.I.P Triza. 50 is no age.
Condolences to Triza's family & friends.

Spirit of 84 ★
What very sad news. Trizia was Chelsea through and through and her . opinions on the club were always worth listing to. Very sad news indeed. R.I.P.

Andy J
RIP Trizia. I didn't know her but remember her from many years ago on here..

Slip Sliding Away
My god that's bad news. Sorry to hear that. RIP and thoughts with family. and friends

Tyrone Shoelaces ★
Sorry to hear this. Lovely person. .

Tyrone Shoelaces ★
Never met her but enjoyed her posts and articles for over half my life. RIP..

Trizia: I can recall that having met her only once she saw me at a. West Ham away game said 'hi Peter how are you doing?' and chatted to me as if were a long-time friend. Not many people can do that with sincerity.

Tyrone Shoelaces ★
Very sad .... RIP .

Big Ron Manager ★
RIP Triz proper Chelsea but more than that always time to try to help with. tickets and the like have a chat or heated words over the rights and wrongs of what's happening on and off the pitch and always tried to help over and above what you'd expect.
I didn't see so much of her since I cut down on the aways and her lot started drinking in the Butchers so had absolutely no idea.
RIP Triz and many condolances Gatey.

Trizia. It means something to me to pop in here and share in some of the tributes and memories as this is where we first became acquainted in the early years of Chelsea Chat following which we became close personal friends.
A very bright light out has gone out. RIP Trizia.

Lovely thoughts great to see you post again. Rip Trizia..

similar experience. cant recall if i was buying or selling a spare but met trizia. in the pub with all her crowd introdeuced myself as my handle on here at the time-jennytalia then my real name. a long time after walked into the pub on the corner of edith grove and kings rd with 3 or 4 mates heard a "hey jennytalia". Id had about 3 name changes bythen but she had remembered jennytalia for some reason. Lovely girl a true chelsea legend. They dont all have to be players or managers

chopper sarris and his sarriballs
I know that the circumstances are tragic - but it's nice to see some old faces. come back on here to pay tribute to Trizia.

RIP Triz.

agreed seems like forever ago daft really but never thought... it possible to get nostalgic of an internet message board but Trizia was very much part of what made me coming back to this place back in my days as Fakum Hall.

I doubt I've posted on here twice in the last few years but this does feel a very sad day for chelsea supporters heartbreaking for those of us that formed a bond all those years ago in the late 90's.

Didn't know Trizia personally but remember on here from a long time ago. such sad news. RIP Trizia and condolences to her loved ones.

London Blue
Changing my handle on here from Fakum Hall to Dave was down to trizia... who was taking the pizz out of everyone for hiding behind handles. Within about 10 minutes Gatey had changed to Paul Pie&Mash to Rob me to Dave.. never crossed my mind to change it back tbh.

Wasnt Geebl one of the first regulars from the early days that we lost off here ? Then there was the girl who's name escapes me her hubby came on here with the sad news.

Trizia same age as me someone I was fortunate to get to know in the real world.

I didn't know Trizia personally but like many others. On here she touched my life and I always appreciated her passion for our Club something we all share. Rest in Peace sincere condolences to her family and friends.

RIP to absolute Legend of a fan for me. She was such a. helpful and welcoming human being. Always cared about her fellow fans...myself included and was a thrill when she was posting here. Stood up for some of the vile posters and refused to condom mob action or bullying. My deepest condolence to her family.

Trizia. Really very sorry to hear about Trizia.
My son and I met her before the ManU - Chelsea League Cup game back in 2002 which only now I realise was a very long time ago...
I remember meeting up in the pub before getting to the ground and also having a chat a half-time discussing how I felt as a Jew and the infamour 'Y**' word....
A very charming and lovely lady taken from her loved ones way too soon......
Very sad news.

Oh no!! . Has she gone? I have a little battle with the grim reaper myself atm. RIP Triz xx

Sergeant Bilko
Me too they used to do the trizia link on here which always enjoyed . Reading you can tell by that smile in the photo chelsea was her favourite place to be rip.

Avbs blue and white army
RIP Trizia. I. shocked at that news.

Always an interesting chatter with plenty to say (no BS)

She couldn't have been very old as I saw her st a game once and thought she was late 30s maybe.

RIP Trizia long time friend.


Memorial Wall – Messages